Who is my Neighbour and how can you love your neighbour

Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 illustrated "lOVE OF NEIGHBOUR" with the parable of the good Samaritan. it was shown in the parable that there was no distinction between the Jew and the gentile. The Samaritan who showed kindness to the robbery victim who was a Jews. A neighbour is therefore a person who devotes himself and time to the service of others. A person who feels the suffering of others. A person who bears with others charitable in complete selfless ness, gentleness and patience. A neighbour is not necessary a Person relations. It traverses both religion , ethnic and cultural bound- Aries, Hence the parable of the Good Samaritan.


I will show you 17 ways to learn after reading the way to love your neighbour, below you will find them :

1) Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for those who I'll treat you (Luke 6:27:28).

2) Preserve in doing good to all people and leave vegnance for God.

3) Read the word of God always in order to grow in spirit.

4) Love the lord and keep his commandments (1 john 5:3)

5) Support the poor (Lev. 25:35). Teach the ignorant. pray for the living and the dead.

6) Provide for the aged. Help the week (romans 15:1)

7)  Do not I'll treat Foreigners (Lev. 25:35)

8) Encourage the helpless and the timid. comfort the prisoners. transform the wicked.

9) Visit the sick, clothe the naked and visit those in prison (matt 25:36) . Bury the dead. console the sorrowful.

10) Shelter the homeless, feed the hungry. Give water to the thirsty Warn the idle. Protect the oppressed. Receive strangers in your home (math 25:35)

12) Be patient with everyone. Lead by example.

13)  Do not pay wrong for wrong. Help the unemployed , the unprotected and under educated people. Bear wrongs patiently and forgive wrongs willingly.

14) Love everybody and those who need. correct sinners with love. counsel those in doubts.

15) Love your neighbour as your self (gal. 5:14)

16) Do   to others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31)
17) Forgive your neighbour when he hurts you and God will forgive you. (matt. 6:14).

Who is my Neighbour and how can you love your neighbour Who is my Neighbour and how can you love your neighbour Reviewed by Anonymous on September 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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