How to make Ice Cream without Egg

Ice cream recipe without eggs.


A.  3 cups milk(prefer using powdered milk  
      mixing with water to get the required
B.  2 cups cold condensed milk
C.  Sugar to desired taste
D.  Vanilla or banana flavour or preferred choice.


1. Sprinkle the gelatin in half a cup of tap water and allow to stand for about 5 mins. Heat d gelatin on low low and stir to dissolve. Pls do nt heat more more than 30 secs.
2. Pour the milk in a bowl and stir in the dissolve gelatin, sugar and flavour of ur choice.
3. Place the bowl in the freezer for about 20mins remove n whisk with a fork for about 2 mins. Return to freezer for another 1hr.
3. Remove from freezer after 1 hr n whisk using an electric whisk or manual whisk until the milk is very thick and foamy.
4 stir in the cold condensed milk n whisk for 5 mins.
5. Pour in a container cover with a cling wrap n place in the freezer to set for about 2 hrs and use a fork to stir.
6. Return to freeze for another 8 hrs or over nite ur ice cream is ready.
Note: condensed milk is quite sweet so take care when adding sugar in the whisked milk.

How to make Ice Cream without Egg How to make Ice Cream without Egg Reviewed by Unknown on September 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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