Preventive and curative power in fruits apple

  Apple is one of nature most useful and nutritious fruits. Daily consumption of apple can prevent and as well correct many health condition. 'A proverb says ' An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. The vitamins and minerals of apple are concentrated mainly near the peel, it is advisable to eat the peel. To obtain maximal benefit from the apple consumption, it must be slowly and thoroughly chewed. Apple contain fat , carbohydrates , protein , phosphorus , calcium, potassium , iron, vitamin a , b, b2 and c. It also contains niacin, malic , citric , and salicylic acid. Apple is useful i n the following area :-
- For treatment of children diarrhea:- apple is an excellent infectant for the stomach and intestine. It has ability to absorb tpxines produced inside the intestines.

- prevents  dental disorder:- when thoroughly chewed, the acid content kills germ present in the mouth. It contains s a mouth cleansing property which no other fruit posses. It is a natural preserver of the teeth  and it should be taken on all cases of tooth trouble.

- Proper functioning of the heart:-  it is useful in the treatment of all types of heart diseases. An apple with honey combination is considered a very effective remedy for functional disorder of the heart. It contains high potassium and phosphorus which help to alleviate heart diseases.

- It enhances food digestion :- is very rich in vegetable fiber cellulose  which aids free bowel movement. When taken in the morning  on an empty stomach, apple renders good result for chronic  or habitual constipation.

- lowers High blood pressures :- due to low sodium content, apple are recommended as a supplement for the diet of high blood pressure patient. It also enhances increase secretion of urine, which in turn brings down the blood pressure to normal level.

- Serves as a corrective food for rheumatism and arthrist patient:- when this disease is caused by uric acid poisoning , the malic acid contained in apple neutralizes the uric acid which gives relief to the patient.

   Note all these could be achieved by regular consumption of apple , it can as well be juiced by a juicer.
Preventive and curative power in fruits apple Preventive and curative power in fruits apple Reviewed by Anonymous on September 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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