The people of ndi-igbo and there existence

  Igbo land is the hone of ndigbo. Ndigbo have a long history of rich culture rife, extensive oral history , folklore , proverbs and idioms as well as interesting series of belief systems, philosophies and theologies. They were sedentary agriculturalist who engaged in subsistence farming, Trading  and crafting according to matt, this area and its people were on on the driving forces in the early development in the iron age which has helped mold the world as we know it." Socially and culturally , they are diverse consisting of many subgroups. They live  in villages that have a few hundred to a few thousand people comprising of numerolous extended families. These villages have no single ruler or king who controls the population, yet they live together peacefully and going about their business.

  Igbo emphasis on individual prowess to succeed, entrperising and community living are the bases of dynamism and astutess in the life of ndigbo . as such , other groups describe ndigbo as goal-getters who leave nothing unturned to get at the top. They describe ndigbo thus: " If there are three Nigerians walking namely : Hausa , Yoruba and Igbo and they meet a ripe apple, a Hausa man would say, I will wait here for the apple to fail and we will share it. But an igbowoman will climb the apple tree and bring it down himself . he will not wait for Allah to bring it down or wait till it falls by itself; instead he will bring it down himself and share it with his colleagues".

  Ndigbo are a politically fragmented group rather there are various subgroups delineated in accordance with clan, linage, and village affiliations. They have no centralized chieftaincy, hereditary aristocracy , or kingship customs , as can be found among there neighbours. The responsibility of leadership is traditionally in the village councils, which include the heads of lineages, elders, titled men, and men who have established themselves economically within the community. Decisions are made by including almost everyone in the village because " the village  group locally called 'town' was the largest political group. This was made up of a group of segmentary lineages obi or nsu , and kindreds umunna. It is possible  for an igboman, through personal success , to become the nominal leader of the council.

The people of ndi-igbo and there existence The people of ndi-igbo and there existence Reviewed by Anonymous on September 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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