The African World-view

Every people have their world view. It is the world view that determines, influences and conditions their relationship with the supernatural world, the world of people near and far, the world of non- humans (animals, vegetation  and the inanimate),  and the under world. It is his world view that gives unity to the whole of creation. It influences the way people think, judge , plan and develop.

Anyone who observes the essence of this world view is regarded as good, normal, well educated and blessed . anyone  who diverts from it or from some of its fundamental aspects is taken as a stranger, rebel, ani social, evil or lost to his /her people. As o e cannot change or disown ones parents, family, ethnic group, nation or colour without  creating a serious crisis in one self , in the same way no one can disown or radically change ones world view without  inner disorders. A person may simply modify , improve or  enrich the world view  as he or she comes in contact with other world views. But no one should ever aim at eliminating it completely because that rarely succeeds.
However much people in Africa differ in many cultural aspects, they posses a strong similarity in the basic world view. It is this that provides a basic unity among them.

This world view is not linked with any particular founder of a group, nor is situated on time.  It is the property and legacy of the entire community, since  it addresses it self to the fundamental questions and realities of man and woman, it is timeless. This world view is expressed in their proverbs, riddles, fables, stories and wise sayings. It is the basis  for their code of conduct. The rites of passage- from birth, through puberty, marriage, old age, burial, and final rites after death- are all based on this world - view.

It is on this world - view that Africans should base their cultural and moral values their spiritual and religious education, their political and economic organisations and development. Their political and economical organisations and development, their physical and mental healing , their social principles in dealing with any crises situation and, in a world , their integral growth and advancement.
Some conclusions may be deducted from the foregoing general points, first if an afri an wants to keep his or her identity, to avoid personality and identity crisis, to avoid being a foreigner among his people, it is imperative he or she knows about this world views and strives to abide by it. Secondly, any known african who wish to abide and understand the Africa, , has to try and understand this world view, to enter or penetrate athis philosophy  as deeply as it may be possible for  a foreigner to go. The failure  of the foreigner to do this is what has produced and perpetuated the long list of myths, prejudices and understanding of African during the period of slave trade, throughout the colonial period to our own days of neo colonialism.

The African World-view The African World-view Reviewed by Anonymous on September 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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